Membership will give you access to all PluckTheDay sessions and offers an array of premium content.
Tutorial Video's
Having trouble figuring out some exercises? Video's of all exercises show you how they are played. This way you can do some preparation, to get most out of the sessions, or to do your own private offline PluckTheDay session.
Example video for exercise 003
Exercise 003
Exclusive Video's
The goal of PluckTheDay is: making music! Yes, that's right. The first reason why you and I play guitar is not to play technical exercises, it is about music. PluckTheDay will help you make the music come out better, with less effort, more expressive and with less technical hindrance. All because it develops the core of your technique. In studying guitar, you will experience less hick-ups and gain an increased dexterity and accuracy. That's why I will help you use your improved technical skills in music; your core business. In these video's I show you how the music guides your technical choices.
Example video. Studying Madroños 1

Smart PSR-Coding
Physical Stress Rating. In doing types exercise we have to be aware that our body has boundaries that we have to respect. It also has old habits that can't be changed over night. To keep monitoring the level of stress that we expose our bodies to, I invented a code that show's the level of stress of each exercise. I consulted a physiotherapist to understand how the body works. In PluckTheDay-members I will show you how it all works, all to help you prevent injuries.

Pluck Tool
Create your custom off-line sessions 😃! The Pluck-tool uses the PSR-code to keep your session within acceptable stress limits. Use the tool to choose your Pluck exercises. By checking the checkboxes before you play each next exercise, the tool will show you the code total of the exercises you combined. This shows you when it's time to stop.