By Fernando Riscado Cordas
Unique Online Classical Guitar Technique and Warming-Up sessions
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Schubert's Guitars reviewed:
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Schubert's Guitars - CD Presentation concert - Duo Elias/Cordas
Wednesday 1st Nov 2020 - CD presentation concert: Schubert's Guitars
Schubert's Guitars
Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Sonata's D 664 and D 960, transcribed for guitar duo by Fernando Riscado Cordas.
Performed on two Bernard Enzensperger guitars from the early 1830's.
Brand new CD - available in shop now!

Schubert's Guitars -
Full score and parts of the guitar duo arrangements of Schubert's Sonata's, D 664 and D 960.
Engraving in process - available in shop soon

Photography: Merlijn Doomernik © 2020